Breaking Dawn - första scenen håller på att spelas in!!

Bilderna är lånade från
Just nu befinner sig Robert Pattinson (Edward), Kristen Stewart (Bella) och Stephenie Meyer (författaren till hela twilightsagan) i Brasilien för att spela in en scen till Breaking Dawn - nämligen Bella och Edward smekmånad.
Först trodde jag att det var Robert och Kristen som kysstes, men enligt andra twilight bloggar/hemsidor är det en scen.
Vad tycker ni? ser de inte otroligt gulliga ut, + att jag älskar klänningen.
Andrea Powell som Sasha!
Skådespelaren Andrea Powell , känd från filmen "The Gate", ska spela Sasha i Breaking Dawn.
Ni som inte vet vem Sasha är, så är hon mor till vampyrerna Tanya, Irina och Kate.

Bilden hittad via google.
Vad tycker ni? Passar hon som Sasha? :)
"Hi Everyone!
Congratulations to the Twilight Facebook Fan Page! 15 million fans! You guys never cease to amaze me. In other news…
Very excited about our new Renesmee, Mackenzie Foy. She’s an amazing young actress and I’m excited to work with her. I hope everyone had an enjoyable summer!"
- Steph
Vad tycker ni om Mackenzie Foy, passar hon som Renesmee? :)
Bild i repris...
Har vi fått vår Renesmee?
Det går rykten om att den 9 -åriga skådespelerskan Mackenzie Foy ska spela Renesmee (Edward och Bellas dotter). Det har inte blivit bekräftat en. Men det ryktas om att hon NÄSTAN har skrivit på. Har också hört något om att de kommer använda en specialeffekt som hjälper hennes snabba växtspurt.
Men jag tycker hon ser perfekt ut, kanske lite för gammal.
Vad tycker ni?
/ Linnéa
MTV förklarar om BD - premiärdatumen
Now, Summit has officially announced that ”Breaking Dawn, Part 2″ will open November 2012, and with that, another assumption seems to be taking hold among fans and on the Web: After ”Eclipse” failed to wildly out-gross ”New Moon” at the box office, Summit got spooked about a summer release date and fled to more familiar autumn territory. But based on our conversations with Summit and box-office analysts, that’s simply not the case.
First off, it’s important to note that despite all this talk about a weaker-than-expected performance for ”Eclipse,” its $289 million haul will eventually surpass the $297 million that ”New Moon” pulled in last fall, according to Box Office Mojo.
When you consider that sequels like ”Shrek Forever After” and ”Sex and the City 2″ underperformed in the crowded summer movie season, Summit has got to be extremely pleased with the box-office business of ”Eclipse.” So if it’s not a fear of summer that persuaded Summit to deliver both ”Breaking Dawn” films in the fall, then what was it? A careful examination of the 2012 summer calendar.
”The lesson is that it’s all about positioning a film at a time when it will face as little direct competition as possible,” explained Phil Contrino, editor of ”Summit was wise to stay away from Summer 2012, because it’s shaping up to be a record-breaking season.”
”The Avengers,” ”Madagascar 3″ and ”Men in Black 3″ are all set to drop that May, followed by ”Star Trek 2″ in June, and then new installments of ”Spider-Man” (which already occupies the Fourth of July slot held this year by ”Eclipse”), ”Ice Age” and ”Batman.”
”Why compete with an amazing slate like that if you don’t have to?” Contrino added. ”I’m sure ”Breaking Dawn, Part 2″ would still open very well during a summer that crowded, but its audience would be devoured very quickly.”
The point, then, is not that summer is a poor time in which to release a ”Twilight” film but that fall simply presents less competition, which is not to say that there will be no box-office battle in autumn. ”Breaking Dawn, Part I” is set to open against ”Happy Feet 2″ on November 18, 2011, while the second in the two-part finale will compete with ”Monsters Inc. 2″ on November 16, 2012. But when you consider the more jam-packed summer season and the fact that an entire year will have passed between ”Twilight” flicks — as opposed to the eight months between ”New Moon” and ”Eclipse” — the fall 2012 release date makes perfect sense.
”There’s a mood and spirit to these movies that make them play really well in the fall. They’re darker, they’re more emotional than standard summer fare, and thematically, fall is a great fit,” said John Singh, a box-office analyst for Flixster. ”It also allows the audience to build even greater anticipation — rather than seeing the follow-up just a few months later. This gives them a full year to anticipate the final film in a series that has generated hugely positive response from its fanbase.”
Vad tycker ni om att det dröjer 2 år tills den sista BD - delen kommer?
Breaking Dawn Del 2 Premiärdatum 16 November

2012? Det är ju för fasiken två år till, OMG, kan inte vänta! :)
Bild lånad av: - Källa: Summit Entertainment

3D versionen av Breaking Dawn
Just nu håller de på att diskutera om Breaking Dawn ska filmas i 3D eller inte, då det kan finnas ekonomiska problem.
Bilden är en manipulation
Summit Entertainment skriver:
‘A big factor is the perception of our audience,’ Summit’s Richard Fay tells MTV News of adopting the technology.
Summit Entertainment understands the importance of 3-D. Still, there continues to be rampant speculation about whether “Breaking Dawn,” will open as a 3-D release when the first of a two-part finale arrives in theaters next year. But now, another movie on the studio’s lineup may provide some clues about where Summit will take the “Twilight Saga.”
“They’re completely fascinated and intrigued by the technology,” said director Patrick Lussier, who recently wrapped production on Summit’s 3-D action flick “Drive Angry.” “I think Summit has been discovering, as they’ve been seeing the 3-D material and the ease we’ve been able to work with it, is that it’s an incredibly viable format to work in.”
So will Summit’s “Drive Angry” experience — the movie was shot using 3-D cameras rather than converted in post-production — combined with the fate of “Eclipse” at the box office , convince them to deliver their biggest 2011 release in three dimensions?
“That decision has yet to be made,” Summit distribution head Richard Fay told MTV News. “It’s still the source of a discussion.”
While those talks inevitably touch on technological hurdles and monetary interest — owing to the premium-ticket prices that 3-D flicks command — Fay emphasized that the studio is more focused on creative concerns.
“There’s certainly a financial part of the discussion,” he said. “And yes, there’s a certain amount of technology that has to be considered and accounted for. But it really comes down to the creative folks.”
“In any of these roundtables conversations, [Summit CEO] Rob Friedman has always been concerned about the ‘Twilight’ patron,” Fay added. “His concern is always the people that come in to see this movie. He doesn’t want to turn them off or offend. That’s why it’s a creative decision. A big factor is the perception of our audience. What are their feelings going to be? If it lends itself to being a better movie because of 3-D, then that’s the technology we’ll use.”
Källa: MTV
Vad tror ni? Kommer det att filmas i 3D eller inte? Tycker ni att det är bra eller dåligt om det filmas i 3D?
Breaking Dawn spelas in i Vancouver
De två sista filmerna i twilightserien kommer att spelas in i staden "Baton Rouge".
Såhär skriver Summit Entertainment:
Summit Entertainment’s THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN will be filmed in both Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Vancouver over the next year starting this fall. The next chapter of THE TWILIGHT SAGA will be released as two separate films with the first of the two slated to be released in theatres on November 18, 2011.
Academy Award® winner Bill Condon will direct both films starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner along with Billy Burke as Charlie Swan as well as returning members of the Cullen Family including Peter Facinelli as Carlisle, Elizabeth Reaser as Esme, Jackson Rathbone as Jasper, Nikki Reed as Rosalie, Ashley Greene as Alice and Kellan Lutz as Emmett.
The project, based on the fourth novel in author Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series, is currently being written by Melissa Rosenberg with Wyck Godfrey, Karen Rosenfelt and Stephenie Meyer producing."
Jag hoppas att de hittar ett fint ställe för "Isle Esme" där Bella och Edward spenderar sin smekmånad.
Breaking Dawn blir 2 filmer! :D
Yay! Summit entertainment har bekräftat att Breaking Dawn blir två filmer ;) Regissören är Bill Condon.
"Summit Entertainment confirmed today that THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN will be released as two separate films with the first of the two slated to be released in theatres on November 18, 2011. Academy Award® winner Bill Condon will direct both films starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner along with Billy Burke as Charlie Swan as well as returning members of the Cullen Family including Peter Facinelli as Carlisle, Elizabeth Reaser as Esme, Jackson Rathbone as Jasper, Nikki Reed as Rosalie, Ashley Greene as Alice and Kellan Lutz as Emmett.
The project, based on the fourth novel in author Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series, is currently being written by Melissa Rosenberg with Wyck Godfrey, Karen Rosenfelt and Stephenie Meyer producing. The TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN will start production in the Fall.
THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN illuminates the secrets and mysteries of this spellbinding romantic epic that has entranced millions."
Källa: Twilight Source